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Virtual Career Fair Guide
The next SIGMA Industrial Engineering Career Fair will be in Fall 2022, so be sure to check back here in August for information about registration.
General Career Fair Plus Information:
Purdue and IISE are partnering with Career Fair Plus to provide a seamless virtual career fair experience. An introductory video is found below.​
Next Steps in Career Fair Plus
In order to ensure receipt of the email, please add * to the allowed list of domains from which you can receive emails. You may need to contact your IT team to help.
Once you create your account, you’ll be able to create and manage your own schedule for the fair, or create schedules for your colleagues attending the fair, automatically inviting them to create accounts too.
Your schedule is where candidates will be able to book times to connect with you, and is customizable, so you and your teammates will be able to modify your schedules if you wish. Your schedule will also enable you to participate in video chat rooms to connect with students virtually on the day of the fair.
After Employer has Received email from
Career Fair Plus
​Click the ‘Get Started’ button within the email to set up your profile in your browser. Please note, this is a single-use link and must be opened in Chrome or Firefox
The email address and password will be the details you use to log in to the platform later
Once you log in, you will be taken directly to your fairs, where you will be able to create a 1-on-1 schedule (video), or a Group Meeting schedule (video) for yourself or somebody else
Make changes to schedules if you wish to, such as schedule name, description, time slots and availability (video)
From your schedule page, click into any schedule and test that you can access the video platform by clicking ‘Join Meeting’. Please test this on the same device and network you will use on the day of the event.
Career Fair Plus Webinars and Support
Career Fair Plus also hosts weekly webinars for employers, and you are more than welcome to join them to walk through the process or to have any additional questions answered.
Tuesday Morning Webinar (EST)
Thursday Afternoon Webinar (EST)
For any technical difficulties, please contact
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